Tuesday, February 17, 2015


So sorry I've missed a couple of days.  I have been working on my new book, The Code:  Etiquette for Teenz - TOO EXCITED!  It will be ready next week!  I just wanted to drop in and throw an "etiquette flag" at Rep. Dan Flynn (R-Canton) of Texas.  In January of 2015, he introduced a bill that would allow teachers to kill kids in the classroom with immunity.  I don't know what's going on in Texas, BUT there should be no reason a teacher should be able to carry guns and shoot students.  It's already bad enough teachers are being busted daily for inappropriate relationships with students.  Rep. Flynn seems to think just because someone feels fear, based on racial biased that has been conditioned for decades in the psyche of Americans (sorry side note), they can shoot and kill a student in the classroom.  Though my etiquette flags are always meant to be lighthearted and in jest, this flag is meant to save lives.  Protect your children by making sure they know what the rules are! 
Always keep it Urban Classy - Lady T.