As a black woman, who is not angry or bitter, I can't help but express my complete astonishment at Cosmopolitan's newest so-called, "Beauty Guide." Placing R.I.P. on the head of every Black woman, which for many implied beauty no longer includes Black women. On what planet? As women all over the world flock to tanning beds and plastic surgeons to try and capture some semblance of what God gave Black women so plentiful, the writer's notion that beauty does not include women of all cultures is preposterous. I am not shocked at this blatant racist act by Cosmopolitan Magazine as Nikki Manaj was the last black woman to dawn its cover...four years ago.
This week's "etiquette flag" is made from the paper of Cosmo and symbolically tossed at it's door step, cause "Ain't nobody got time for that." No matter their attempt, it cannot erase what is and will forever be the texture, soul and breath of the world...BLACK BEAUTY! I celebrate beauty of all types, too bad Cosmo doesn't!
Let them know how you feel. Post a comment on Cosmo's Facebook! Here's the original article,